Friday, July 30, 2021

Zoos or wild

Today in the kh (kauri hub) our topic was balance so we focused on how to make things a balanced life and so we firstly started off with animals the question for today was... should we have zoos? we got a copy of the slide now it was time to place our decisions the first slide contained videos and a link about zoo debate you had to read about the good and bad side towards zoo's and listen to what other think then we got asked some questions all about zoo debate like what is your view about zoo's and why do you think that way,If you could asked the owner of a zoo some questions what might they be and etc the next slide contained some books to chilli 1-4 all about animals then the next slide had a link to flipgrid with some questions you need to answer while making the video on flipgrid then on the next slide there was a chart labbled name and meaning/what it is and then down the name line it has zoo safari marine park and etc basically what you had to do is research what they mean on google then write it down in the meaning/what it is then on the next slide there were 1-7 sentences and a box filled with words you had to read the sentences then fill out the missing words that had been placed in the box then on the next slide you had to create a picture of your perfect habitat for an animal or animals and think about things like what shelter does it need entertainment,toys and etc then click a picture of the dlo you created and upload it onto the next slide.

I really enjoyed this got to create your own perfect habitat for your very own animal!

stories,dance and culture


today In the kh (kauri hub) we did an activity about stories,dance and culture the first and second slide had books with chilli  the audience one,two,three and four I always read chilli four so I red it. the 3rd slide had a DLO example and how to infer a picture 1st you get the evidence from the text then use that towards what you know then make your inference. on the next slide (4th slide) it had different pictures of animals and adventures and you had to infer and create a new slide to show how you inferred using the same steps. the 5th slide also had a photo expect it was different it had a boy holding water next the the tap with a surprised face you also had to infer what he is trying to tell. then on the 7th slide (final slide) you could create a dlo there were some videos links on the slide the top had songs and the bottom had dances basically what you needed to do is research and create a dance or song based on a cultral story it could be a story that you read this week, they also left a example in a link, the other choice was recreating a haka or cultural dance you want to practise and share.

I really enjoyed this because...It was really fun recreating or creating a dance or a song!