Monday, November 30, 2020

If I were a kea

 I wound glide and soar in time, with the wind blowing beneath my wings.

               I would feast on only bushy Trees, plants, materials,  

                       mouldy rotten logs. Even Other animals

When It's time I lay my eggs I slowly approach the beach forests and rest.

this is my poem if I were a kea. I would do stuff that keas like a Kea does,And move how a kea does,Speak how a kea does. And do everything that keas do.

this was an amazing thought of how It would like to be a kea and the feeling.

whats it is your favourite native bug or animal?would you like to experince how to be alike?

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Inferring the setting of the text


Today in room 3 group 4 chilli tasks.(reading)
we had to Inferer the setting of the text.
we got given a video here
we got given questions on a slide we had to infer where the people where from the setting,
at the end go got to decided from 4 creative adventures,spooky,wonderful images.
I chose the haunted house one had lots of details and I felt like i could describe a lot with it.

Have you ever inferred?when you were inferring did you ever look at the setting/background?
I really enjoyed because...We got to look carefully for clues like if we were on a mission to solve a crime.

Friday, November 13, 2020

My new invented bug


In room three we had to create or copy a bug we also learned a new thing in this,
if you insert a shape you want, go to tools, search up a colour + texture,click on the one you want,
and just like that you will get a nice textures on your shape.

I really enjoyed this because...We got to customise our own bug and use our imagination.
i loved how mine turned out.
Have a go at making your own bug,how did it turn out?Did you like it?love it?or hate it?
Let me know!

Thursday, November 12, 2020

Snake attack


This is chilli 4 reading,we watched a video called snake attack,
After we've done watching the video,
We got sent a slide with parts of the videos paused.
we had to infer what The characters were feeling and what the other person thought about them.

Have a look at the slide how do you think the characters are feeling?

I really enjoyed this because...We got to get a close up look on how they are and see their expressions.
Are they mad?angry?surprised?Hurt?Sorry?confused?Who knows?

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Who Kidnapped THE PRINCIPAL? Cooper and Dani are on the case


Me and cooper in room three worked on a slide called who kidnapped the principle?
there were four suspects Sally,Brent,Rex,Randy.Rhonda and Bo.
their was evidence papers notes tests and emails.
We settled down to the one who was the most sus person out of all so we circled Sally,
Sally Zhou,here is a massive reason why...She got sent an email from a teacher that said she had a meeting in the office,Now students don't have meetings don't they?

Who do you think it was and why?
have a go and see who is the most suspicious person out of all.
in the end me and Cooper thought there was no right or wrong anser.

Monday, November 2, 2020

Concluding 1


this is chilli 3 reading we had to infer the picture,where why who and what.
we were learning about concluding.
on the other slide /next slide.
it gave us a peace of text and then we had to answer why and use the clues in the text.

Insects habitats and where they live+facts

 Insects can live anywhere in the world. They can live underground,or live on the surface.

Most insects can't live on water.They have really talented skills which means...Their homes are really impressive.

in room 3 we had to read a article about insects habitats.

we had to make a conclusion about the article and write it on a docs.

as you can see that is my conclusion of the article if you go onto Papakura central school room 3's class site.

you'll be able to access the article, have a go!

Have you ever wrote a conclusion before? do you know what it means?

I really enjoyed this because...I got to lean about the insect habitats so it will help me learn more about them.