Wednesday, March 31, 2021

nonsense creture


in the kh ( kauri hub) I made a nonsense creature of any kind I got a little stuck of what I should do but I figured out that I would do a ram mixed with a polar bear. I even gave it i'ts own name because that is the first step of anything, on the google drawings you can see the creature that I created next to it has a dsc (description) to introduce you to it and get to know about it more.
I really enjoyed this because...we got to create our own imaginary creature and designing their ability's,powers,emotions,looks,etc.

Friday, March 26, 2021

change pt2


In the kh (kauri hub) we did another change project pt2! but It was change for words, so basically in the first slide they had fun little boxes with 1,2,3 and 4 (meaning chilli 1 chilli 2 etc) they each had different unexplored stories with the same must do's you must read 2 texts, the second slide contained a video demonstrating 5 ways of how to solve unfamiliar words, the 4th slide contained finding at least 4 unknown words in the 2 texts you have read the 5th slide contained the 2nd activity sheet about a sentence having an underlined words in the sentence we have to uncover the words that were underlined and find their meanings on the 6th slide contained the 3rd activity sheet witch was finding the root words (ex undo=do) the 4th slide contained making your own fun little game of kahoot and test others players if the can find the meanings for these words then write a summary of 2 texts you have read. Share... click on the link on flipgrid and will take you to a world of communications and fun, and all you have to do is share 3 new words you have learned,post then your done!

I really enjoyed this got to learn to identify any word that you have trouble with so you wont need to stop and search the web to find out!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

chnage project


Today in the kh (kauri hub) we did a little change project about what you would like to change,so they decided to create a slide all about change,the first slide contained what has changed around the school so our teacher let us out and had a wonder around and see what had changed. the second slide contained a survey of your own and let you add what you'd like to the land but you would need a little help off your partners. They decided for me to design a new senior school playground since the middle school got one (the link will be added on the the slide for you to check out my design) the last and final things were spot the differences of what you have seen between the two pictures given, then go ahead and share your thinking and skills.

I really enjoyed this because... you get to cut a peace of your mind and add your design onto the land to create a land with other peoples designs

Friday, March 19, 2021



today in the kh (kauri hub) we got a topic that was all based on space the first slide contained books and videos with knowledge from all about space then using that knowledge on a word scramble I was stuck on 2 words but eventually I got it,next reading poem and finding the meanings of words unknown then there with 4 options with 2 creates i choose to do the kahoot about space witch i really hope we can play sometime in class then design your own planet either on google drawings or make a poster.

I really enjoyed this because... we got to do a little fun word scramble and watch videos all about space and make a little kahoot along with your own designed planet.

Friday, March 5, 2021

environmental changes lcs 2021


for the kauri hub at home we had to do this at for our own learning skillls,
first were some books to read and you had to atleast read to of them then another task for reading was epic we also got to do some research about different meanings/definitions of words our ako whanuau gave us,we'd put them in alphabetical order first then find the definitions/meaning and 3 lucky words to create their own rhyming buddy.maths...i love maths its one of my favourite subjects to do at school there were different pictures and a box below allowing us to put as many reasonable answers as wanted including at least 2 answers from two different problems this had to be my favourite part personification I was all confused for a second but their was help from videos the video taught me that personification means a object would be equal to doing human things example:the clouds were raining on the shower+personification=the clouds give the flowers a nice ice cold bath...there are more different examples included onto the slide spotting personifications a nice short text with millions of personification texts
i could only find 5 lines could you spot more? trying out personification the next task was trying it by simply writing a piece of texting using personifications in it... 2 create options i did chilli 3-4 ones because i didn't have the equipment for the chilli 1-2 i made a nice detailed plan for different terms throughout the year beans chillies etc then creating a video about the 4 seasons transforming using animaker since this slide was really long they allowed us to use a week doing this