in the kh (kauri hub) we did a little project about animals pasts, presents, futures and adaptions, so firstly we had to read and listen to one video and one text under the chilli (level) you want. the next slide contained words with a link to a puzzle maker, the steps were you needed to copy those words and make them into a word search (word find) with that link, the third slide had a fun video about animal adaption and how they move, next you had to go to the link called miro and post a poster of your idea of what adaption meant to you, the fourth slide it also had adaption in it but differently, basically you had to choose and animal I chose my personal favourite a wolf so in put it in the text box, step two was where you had to research where they currently live and my research came up with different habitats so I decided to put all of those into the step two text box, step three was what do they have to survive in there habitats, I put on my thinking cap and thought about some ideas like fur,howls and etc. the fifth slide was a fun project for you to create a new habitat, I decided I would make a old war place with fireballs drooping down from the sky. the sixth slide was thinking about what your animal needed to have to survive in your habitat creation, my thoughts were it needed to grow bigger claws to climb out of its situation and have less sharp teeth to help people and more. there was one video and one text about robot dogs opening doors, once you have gotten enough information about it you had to discuss with a buddy and ask questions like... will robotic pets really happen in the future? what are the good things about robotic pets? etc. the last slide had a create with scratch in it basically start off with any tool you'd like and create something then go onto scratch if you have't already and past your create into scratch and make an animation. (there will be a video teaching you how to paste your create) here is the link to my animation simply click the link and press the green flag above the animation.
i really enjoyed this because... there were alot of fun create activities to do and design witch was really fun!
that was so cool keep up the good work